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Revel: Important decrease of revenues in April


Opened in April 2012, the Revel casino in New Jersey announced on last March its project to declare bankruptcy while remaining open to the public. The casino received its investors' support, required so that the court can approve the restructuring plan. The casino aims to reduce its debt from $ 1.52 billion to $ 272 million. In one year of activity, the casino of the State has seen its income contracted by 40%. Last April, Revel registered $ 8 million against $ 13.5 million a year earlier, or a significant decrease of 40%. To face this decreasing income, Revel opted for new strategies and new equipments to seduce players and future customers. Thus, the casino has set the “Pearl Lounge”, a lounge reserved to the members only. According to the Division of Gaming Enforcement, the 12 casinos of the State have known a decline of 22% with $ 228.5 million compared with April 2012. Note that Rocky Double is an excellent game to win the jackpot in the online gaming rooms.

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