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Loto Quebec casinos: Alcohol could be served at table


Guests of the four Loto Quebec casino can soon drink alcohol and play at the same time in the gambling room of this State firm. Thanks to government approval, players will no longer need to go to the bar or restaurant of their usual casino for a drink. Henceforth, they only have to ask the casino employees for a glass and they will serve them at the table.

It should be noted that alcohol is allowed since a long time in Québec's casinos. There are even those that offer free alcohol consumption. Before obtaining the consent of the government, if players want to have a drink in Loto Quebec casinos, they should leave their game, a situation that will change in the coming weeks. This new measure will allow the company of Quebec lotteries to increase the rate of attendance of its casinos. And online, numerous games offered by online casino are also available as Football Mania Scratch Live Black Jack.

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