Since last Saturday, fans of casino in France will be able to play the battle card game in gaming establishments in France. As well as Blackjack Multihand 5, battle, also known as "Casino War" is a very easy to play and very exciting card game. A ministerial decree was enacted in France last Saturday, in order to allow the battle game in the 196 casino establishments throughout France. It is the decline in gross gaming revenue that alerted the government and that motivated this decision. Note that an order, also published Saturday in the OJ mentioned the rules of battle. Indeed, under penalty of illegality, the battle must be played with a maximum of 52 players and 7 cards. The experiment duration is six months, as other new games allowed in French casinos like the famous "wheel of fortune". In addition, the Interior Ministry also gave its approval to the opening of three new destinations of gambling to let it possible to play at casino in all regions of France