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Casino de Port-Nouvelle : new decoration and renovation of its gambling machines park


Although land-based casinos are less popular because of competition with the online casino, some of land-based playrooms such as the Casino de Port-Nouvelle, are doing everything not to lose reputation. In this casino with Mediterranean climate, a total relooking has just been done to provide a more user-frienly framework for players. The addition of new slot machines and video poker has also been undertaken.

The work of upgrading the design began with the displacement of game tables in the middle of the room. Thus, players have more space and more freedom to move within the casino. The casino also has included four new gambling machines in its rich collection. The players who will go there will be able to get acquainted with Hillbillions, a slot machine that causes a great sensation in the United States. With a theme that revolves around minors children, Billy or Hillbilly offers to the lovers of this kind of game, like Everybody's Jackpot, several options of exciting games with its three progressive jackpots. A space dedicated to lovers of video poker has also been arranged.

Rating: 4.1 stars (21 ratings)